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Body Sculpting

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UltraSlim is the most powerful and effective device for noninvasive fat loss and beautiful skin, for any skin type or body type. 

Only UltraSlim has

No Pain 

No Downtime 

No Side Effects 

No Adverse Outcomes

You will lose at least 2" of fat

at your very first UltraSlim treatment! 

UltraSlim utilizes patented photobiomodulation technology that naturally and nondestructively metabolizes fat cell contents.



In 2015 UltraSlim received its first FDA Clearance.  

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UltraSlim is the ONLY FDA cleared device for immediate inch loss without exercise, drugs, or surgery. 

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The Very Best Noninvasive
Fat Reduction

Studies show UltraSlim can reduce the size of fat by one-third in only 8 minutes.

UltraSlim uses a special patented type of light to stimulate fat cells. The treated fat cells respond opening temporary pores in the cell and emptying the fat cell contents, releasing all of that stubborn fat you just can't seem to get rid of with dieting and exercise. 

UltraSlim works immediately, showing dramatic results before you leave your treatment room. 

The average patient loses 3.5" of pure fat! 

UltraSlim is non-invasive red LED Technology provides instant,
visible results in just one treatment. 

Nonsurgical FaceLifts

UltraSlim has been shown to produce collagen & elastin fibers which benefit the appearace of younger & tighter skin.

Non Surgical Face Lift | Skin Tightening

UltraSlim has no side effects or
adverse outcomes because it is categorized as Risk Group One device, it's as safe as a band aid. 

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  • No Exercise 

  • No Surgery 

  • No Drugs 

  • No Pain 

  • No Discomfort 

  • No Down Time 

Lose at least 2" Today 

UltraSlim is effective for 100%
of patients.


UltraSlim's mechanism of action relies on Photo-Biomodulation, the use of Light to trigger a response in the body.

This is achieved through the use of LEDs that emit powerful, narrow bandwidth light, through the skin. The specific bandwidth of light, modulation, and power output, deceives the mitochondria in the fat cells (adipocytes) into responding as if it were a time of famine. 

Upon receiving this light, they stimulate lipolysis, the natural processes by which the body metabolizes and releases fat.

The mitochondria then gives the signal to release the stored fat cells by opening pores on the cell membrane. The fat is released naturally into the lymphatic system.
The body attempts to metabolize the released fat, and any excess is processed by the liver.

The fat will be evacuated by natural means. In the following 48-72 hours while the pores of the adipocyte remain open and drain an additional 1 1/8 inches of fat on average, as treated area's remaining contents are further assisted out of the body.
The pores of the adipocyte are closed after 48-72 hours and return to their natural function, deflated and undamaged.

Of UltraSlim's three FDA Clearances & Indications for use the most popular is Immediate Fat Loss.

UltraSlim treats the entire body

  • Breast Reduction for Women

  • Tummy Tucks

  • Butt& Thigh Reductions 

  • Anti Aging Face Lifts 

  • Neck Reduction 

  • Neck and Skin Tightening 

  • Knees, Ankles, & Elbows

  • Gynescomastia for men

  • Bingo Wings aka Upper Arms 

  • Age Spots 

  • Atopic Dermatitis & Skin Rejuvenation (First FDA Clearance)

  • Reduction of Pain & Inflammation 

  • Relief from Lung Inflammation or other flu/cold like symptoms


Patients on complete Ultra Slim and Nutritional Program. 

We Believe in Not Damaging or Killing Cells or Causing Pain and it is our
Preferred Method of Treatment 

The Science of UltraSlim 

UltraSlim is the most powerful Red Light Therapy Device and is the only FDA-cleared device for immediate fat reduction.

UltraSlim® was FDA-cleared in 2015 and was invented in 2011 by Terry J. Ward, M.H.A., a fat loss provider in central Florida.

In clinical trials, after one treatment, patients lost a minimum of 1 6/8” and a maximum of 10”. Over 98% of patients lost 2” or more with an average loss of 3.5” and 1.6 liters cumulatively from the waist hips and thighs. After treatment, patients will experience additional drainage of fat content for 72 hours, giving an additional 1.25”, for a total loss of 4.75” on average.

UltraSlim® works with all body types, regardless of age, skin tone, sex, and has no BMI restrictions. The treatment is completely painless, noninvasive, and has no adverse outcomes.

First Do No Harm. Unlike most noninvasive body contouring devices, you will never have to worry about harming your patients with UltraSlim®. No paradoxical hyperplasia, hernias, DVTs, or the unhygienic transfer of disease or biological materials between your patients, as occurs if you use attachments, paddles, straps, or cables which cannot be autoclaved or properly sterilized between patients. 


The patented UltraSlim® mechanism of action delivers a unique, high-powered red light, which causes the adipocyte to respond as if it was a time of famine. The fat cell’s membrane is disrupted, resulting in temporary pores which allow the fat to escape.

With UltraSlim®, patients lose the fat permanently through a natural bodily function known as "lipolysis." The contents of the fat cells are excreted primarily in the patient’s waste, as part of the body’s natural detoxification.

UltraSlim® operates at a cellular level and does not generate heat as part of the mechanism of action, but is instead part of an extremely complex, cascading photochemical mechanism. UltraSlim® is rated as Risk Group 1 -- the safest category of medical devices. Completely
noninvasive, UltraSlim® has never shown any side effects and patients do not experience any discomfort.






Clinical Studies 



Nutriton Program

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We know that when people feel better about their body, they gain the confidence to be morepowerful in their life, to achieve the goals they want to accomplish. 

Our services go beyond the physical, it's a transformation in the areas of life that are important to you.

When you feel better about yourself, we celebrate your accomplishments. 

Though we'd love to tell you that a few sessions will create your ideal body, the reality is that this is a team effort. What you do on the days you do not come for treatments matter too. We customize a meal program to support your lifestyle so that you get the best possible results.

If you want to start now, Start by drinking more water. Water is one of the key ingredients in your Body Sculpting Success.

A Holistic Approach

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World Famous Health Coach | Craniosacral Therapy | Cra

Melissa is a Body Sculpting Laser Therapist, Cranio Sacral Therapist, Health Coach, Life Coach and your biggest cheerleader.
Her coaching along with her knowledge about how the body works, how important the frequencies and energies in your body, and her love and support really makes her the ideal person to assist you in your Personal Healing and Body Transformation. 

Melissa's dream is to have a healing center with various modalities including Celestial MedBeds. Until these MedBeds become available, she will transform one body at a time through Laser Therapy. 
MedBed Spa's services are unique in that we include Frequency Therapy and Health coaching and Personalized Program for your Life Style.
No two bodies are the same and with that goes Customized plans for each person. 

Call us today to set up a consultation to see if our services are a right fit for you. 
To Book an Appointment Call 310-654-2750
Visit us by appointment ONLY. 

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